Creative writing is, for me, both an indulgence and an obsession ignited by my early reading habit and the support of one teacher. His promise to publish the ‘novel’ I started when I was nine, if I finished it, has never been forgotten.

Unfortunately, that story, about two wayward swallows left behind during a migration, got lost itself once the story left England’s shores; something I’d never done myself.

Having started and failed to finish countless other novels, I’ve belatedly come to the realisation that the only way I’m ever going to finish anything is to keep the stories short; a blessing for the reader as well as the writer.

Writing for fun, is both time consuming and harder work than ‘fun’ suggests it should be, but the rewards, in terms of the journeys your imagination takes you on and the laughs (even if no-one else finds Mother Nature funny, I did, and do) are immense. Of course, the ambition of all writers is to be read and, although I’m realistic enough to know that I’m always writing primarily, if not exclusively, for my own enjoyment, the fact that they’re hear in some obscure point on my website, signals that the dream isn’t altogether dead.

If you can be bothered to read any of my creative writing, and I see no reason why you should unless the alternative is a stack of ironing six feet high or emptying the cat litter tray, please do leave a comment. Because creative writing is, ultimately a skill that, like all others, requires both practice and feedback.

Rod Webb Rod Webb

The Letter

#Mystery #ShortStory #Love

The moment to say goodbye had come, and passed, with surprising, flat swiftness. It had been inevitable of course, and perhaps that inevitability had stifled the emotion; the preparation a lid, suppressing, for now, the anger, the fear and the agony. He had choked only when the curtains closed upon her coffin. 

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Rod Webb Rod Webb


#ShortStory #Dark #ThoughtProvoking?

He walks through soft, gently rising meadow, anticipating the view of his valley home that the low summit ahead will provide. He has been away for too long. But where has he been? What could have been so important to take him away from the land he loves? His mind lingers on that mystery for a moment before the scent of summer grass once more envelopes him in a warm embrace and beckons him on.

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